Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A Great Monthly Budget Idea! Keep track of your spending every month!

This is one of the budgeting ideas that I used to do (then, I started my Savealotmom page and didn't have time! LOL)
Start an envelope for a new month and put all your receipts from that month. This will include dining out, purchase of basic household items, groceries, personal care items, etc. This does NOT include utilities, such as electrical, internet, rent, mortgage, car payments, etc)
At the end of the month, you will add up what you spent and how much you saved. File all your past months aside and when it comes to the end of the year, you can add everything up from all 12 months and you can see how much you spent and saved. It may be scary, I won't lie! (It's crazy how much we actually spend per year!) Keep the current month envelope visible in your house so you don't forget to add the receipts in it! (I'm always in the kitchen so that's where my enevelope will be.)
Doing this will help you become more conscious of how much you spend, especially if you have a weekly/monthly goals.

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