Ebates is a website that offers cash back and discount on all your purchases that you make online. If you are like me, I avoid crowds, prefer to save gas, stay home and do all my shopping online, especially on Cyber Monday. I always have great luck buying items with discounts and free shipping so why not get rewarded for shopping online with cash back offers???
Right now, when you sign up, you will be eligible for a $10 giftcard of your choice. When you make a purchase through Ebates to your favorite store of $25 or more, you will get your giftcard in the mail!
I recently purchased a pair of TOMS shoes for my daughter. My husband usually buys the shoes at the Journey's Kids store but because I bought them through Ebates and TOMS website, I got $5 off, FREE shipping, 5% cash back from the online purchase AND I also got my $10 Target giftcard! I save money because I didn't drive to the store to buy them and it did it in the comfort of my home.
Check out Ebates and see what it's all about!
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